KASU-FM WaveLengths - Program Guide

WavelengthsFrom 2000-2003, I designed the KASU-FM WaveLengths Program Guide six times a year using PageMaker 6.5 and Photoshop 6.0. The PageMaker file I would create would be edited and approved by the station manager before submission to ASU Printing Services. I returned to this role in 2012 using PageMaker 7 and exporting all documents in PDF format for printing by ASU Printing Services.

Below are some complete issues available in PDF format.

July-September 2012 July-August 2003
May-June 2003 March-April 2003
Jan-Feb 2003 Nov-Dec 2002

Arnold Group Real Estate - Website

From 2003-2012, I worked on the website for local real estate agent Kent Arnold. I have used simple HTML coding, Javascript, dabbled in Flash, done Photoshop image construction, and used some basic Perl scripting. The last version of the site I worked on was hosted by YourWebPress and they use a Content Management System.

Kentshouse.com homepage when I was brought on Arnold Group site 2003 Arnold Group site late 2003
Arnold Group site 2004 Arnold Group site 2007 Arnold Group site 2005
  Arnold Group February 2011  

Community Service Center Website

From May to July 2011 I created the initial site for the Community Service Center located at cscincsite.org. I used Dreamweaver and Photoshop and created the logo myself



The Portia Proclaimer - Church Bulletin

From 1995-2002, I created The Portia Proclaimer church bulletin for the Portia Church of Christ using PageMaker 6.5 and Photoshop 6.0. I had a lot of freedom with design and used magazines for layout ideas.

Portia Proclaimer Cover Portia Proclaimer cover variation Portia Proclaimer inside layout Portia Proclaimer inside variation